Events in JULY

  10th - Friends Foundation, 7:15pm

   27th - Mystic Realms, all day


 10th - Summer BBQ, Sportsmen's Club


   1st - Meeting for Business, 9:15am

​   8th - Salem Quarterly Meeting, Seaville

​   5th - Property & Finance

Friends, or Quakers, have traditionally referred to the days of the week by number. Thus, Sunday was "First Day."  While most of this custom has fallen away, Sunday School is still called First Day School.  Ours begins at 9:15 am on designated Sundays.

The Salem Oak stood for over 500 years.  Now a sapling that started from one of its acorns is planted in our yard.  See more...

​​Woodstown  ​Monthly

Meeting  of  Friends

Read Philadelphia Yearly Meeting's Faith & Practice >>

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